Start of Year Learning
Stage 1
Weekly Prayer
Religious Education
You are starting a new school year. When we start something new it is important to take time to reflect on how we feel, say thank you to Jesus and ask him for help.
Take time to answer the following questions in your journal.
What do you want to say thank you for this year?
What are you excited about this year?
What are you worried about?
What do you want to say to Jesus as you start this year? Do you have any questions for him?
Finish by writing a message to Jesus asking for help for the year ahead or you may wish to express your feelings by drawing a picture and colouring it in
Watch the video on Friendship Soup
Which ingredient do you think Jesus would say is the most important? Why?
Draw and label your own friendship recipe
Draw a picture of one of your friends. Make a list of all the ways they are a good friend to you
Write a prayer to thank God for your friend.
Journal or an exercise book, pen, or pencil, colouring in pencils
Hello and welcome back to school 2022!
This week we will explore a range of texts to help us understand more about ourselves, our families and our friends.
You will need
Colour Pencils
Slides (below)
Scissors and glue
Syllabus Outcome
MA1-6NA Use a range of mental strategies and concrete materials for multiplication and division.
Learning Intention
We are learning to count collections by 2s, 5s and 10s and describe how we counted them.
Task 1
You will need
Colour Pencils
Counting how many....
How many feet are in your family?
How many fingers are in your family?
How many shoes are there in your whole house?
How many socks are in your sock drawer?
Record your thinking
Teacher/Parent notes
Encourage counting by twos.
Notice whether your child can count past 12, 14, 16 easily.
Encourage counting in different ways. 5 pairs of shoes make 10. How many 10s can we find?
Find other items to count in twos eg knives and forks.
Talk about the number of shoes being DOUBLE the number of pairs.
Find out what doubles your child knows already. Eg 2 and 2 is? Use you fingers like “bunny ears” to model if necessary.
Click play to hear the task.

Photo by Jesse Bowser on Unsplash
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Draw a picture of the people in your family and count their feet.
How many feet do 2 people have?
How many feet do 3 people have?
Activity too easy?
If there are 12 people in a family, how many feet?
How many feet in a class of 30 children? 32 children?
Task 2
Syllabus Outcome
MA1-9MG Measures, records, compares and estimates lengths and distances using uniform informal units, metres and centimetres.
Learning Intention
We are learning to measure and compare length.
You will need
Colour Pencils
Measuring Length
Find some pencils at home.
Can you order your pencils from shortest to longest? Draw a picture of the shortest and longest pencil you have.
Look at the shoes from different people in your house.
Who has the longest shoe?
Who has the shortest shoe?
Look at jeans or pants from different people in your house
Who has the longest jeans?
Who has the shortest jeans?
How can you measure the length of the jeans using textas or spoons?
Can you find two items that are longer than a pencil but shorter than a wooden spoon?
Teacher/ Parent notes
What is the difference between the longest and shortest jeans?
Click play to hear the task.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Can you match the shoes by the soles ( bottom) of the shoe to find out which is the longest?
Can you find 2 pencils and put them side by side to find out which one is the longest?
Activity too easy?
Can you measure the length of the shoes and jeans using a tape measure?
Can you find the length of different objects in your house and record what you find?
Task 3
Syllabus Outcome
MA1-5NA uses a range of strategies and informal recording methods for addition and subtraction involving one and two digit numbers.
Learning Intention
We are learning to add and subtract numbers.
You will need
Dice Games
Race to 30
Roll two dice and add the numbers and record your total.
Roll one die again and add that number to make a new number.
Keep rolling until you reach 30.
How many rolls did it take you to reach 30?
Can you write a number sentence to describe what you are adding?
Race back to 0
Start at 30.
Roll a die and take away from 30.
Roll again and take away that many.
How many goes will it take you to reach o?
Double your number
Roll 2 dice to find the total , then double your number.
Click play to hear the task.

Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Roll two dice and add the numbers and record your total.
Roll two dice to make a total of 8. What numbers make 8?
Activity too easy?
Race to 100 and back to 0
Start at 61 and roll your two dice and add the total of the two dice.
Keep rolling until you reach 110. ( Write number sentences to record your thinking)
Now roll the two dice and subtract from 110 until you get back to 0.
Task 4
Syllabus Outcome
MA1-15MG. Manipulates, sorts, represents and explores two- dimensional shapes, including quadrilaterals,pentagons, hexagons and octagons.
Learning Intention
We are learning to make and describe 2D shapes.
You will need
Scissors and glue
Making Shapes
Use a length of wool , elastic band or match sticks to make some different shapes. You might need someone to help you.
Can you imagine how many sides and corners your shape might have?
Draw the shapes that you have made.
How are they the same?
How are they different?
Notice how the corners will happen where you hold the wool/elastic.
Cutting Shapes
Fold a piece of paper in half and cut a shape along the fold. Open your paper.
What shape can you see? Draw and describe your shape.
Shape Hunt
Go on a shape hunt in your house. How many different shapes can you see?
Can you trace one part of an object to show the shape you see, for example when you trace around the bottom of the milo tin, you see a circle.
Click play to hear the task.
Authors own image
Red line shows where paper is folded

Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Can you make a rectangle like the side of the tissue box?
Activity too easy?
Can you make at least 6 different shapes?
Can you make 4 different shapes that have 4 sides and name them.
Task 5
Syllabus Outcome
MA1-8NA Creates, represents and continues a variety of patterns with numbers and objects
Learning Intention
We are learning to make and describe patterns.
You will need
Use a collection of mixed items to make a pattern.
These could be gumnuts and sticks and leaves.
Can you describe the repeating part of your pattern?
How many parts are there in your pattern?
How can you number your pattern?
Can you number it another way?
Notice whether your child sees a way to count a pattern by twos eg stick, leaf, stick, leaf ..can be counted in twos.
Now try and make a different pattern.
Click play to hear the task.
Author's own image

Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Can you continue a colour pattern red, blue, red, blue? What colour comes next?
What part of the pattern repeats?
Activity too easy?
Can you make a pattern using 3 objects, 5 objects?