Week A

Stage 5

Daily Prayer

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Loving Father, I gather in Your presence.

I invite stillness into my heart.

May I breathe in Your peace and breathe out all stress and worry.

Holy Spirit, speak to me through this time in prayer so that the ear of my heart may understand God’s will.

You are invited to pray the Examen which is a prayer that helps us process the last 24 hours as we journey with God. Use either the video above or the instructions below to lead yourself through the Examen.

  1. Find a comfortable space, breathe and say hello to God as His presence is with you

  2. Reflect over your day at school, at home or somewhere else

  3. What made you happy? Did someone say or do something that made you feel good within yourself? Who was it?

  4. Did you do something that made you feel good in return?

  5. Did you do something that you really enjoyed? Thank God for it.

  6. Did anything make you feel sad? Did something happen to you? Did you do something to someone else?

  7. Is there something you want to say sorry for? Whatever it is, remember that God loves you and that does not change!

  8. Now think about tomorrow. Do you want to ask God for support or help with anything?

  9. God listens! Talk to God now about anything. Ask God to remind you that you are never alone!

God I thank you for journeying with me and for walking with me into tomorrow.


Religious Education

Learning Intention

We are learning to identify “the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” in our living environment and to develop “next steps in caring for creation” as a school community and individually.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I can:

  • name contributing factors of the ‘Cry of the earth, Cry of the poor’.

  • identify ‘the cry of the poor, cry of the earth’ at a global & local level.

  • inform my school community about next steps and action plans.



You will need




Google Doc


  1. Complete the learning activities as directed using your copy of this document and the resources attached.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • Focus on one factor at a local level and make connections to the statement.

Activity too easy?

  • Have a look at the Laudato Si encyclical. This is the driving document for the statement. Select 2-3 points that you can expand in your thinking and connect to the Social Justice Statement.



Learning Intention

We are learning to understand the power of language in communicating and persuading audiences for a particular purpose.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I can

  • explore and express the significance of a speech through a creative medium.


EN5-1A Responds to and composes increasingly sophisticated and sustained texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure.

EN5-3B Selects and uses language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences and contexts, describing and explaining their effects on meaning.

EN5-5C Thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information and increasingly complex ideas and arguments to respond to and compose texts in a range of contexts.

You will need


Google Doc




Construct an imaginative writing piece empathising with a speaker's audience. Access today's lesson HERE.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

If you find this a challenge, you can watch the delivery of MLK’s ‘I have a dream’ speech on YouTube. Imagine you are in the crowd watching MLK’s delivery and imagine how it feels to be there. Write about the emotions you are feeling and what you are seeing as he delivers his speech.

Activity too easy?

If you find this interesting, you can peruse YouTube to view the plethora of TEDtalks on social justice. Take notes on interesting things you hear, be inspired by stories of those who have fought for social justice, and use these learnings in your analysis of speeches throughout the week. Spend at least half an hour enjoying these presentations.


Activity for today


Learning Intention

We are learning to interpret data and construct frequency distribution tables

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I can:

  • construct a stem and leaf plot

  • interpret meaning from a graph

  • understand how various columns in a frequency distribution table are related



You will need




Google Doc


  1. Construct a graph of the ages of OSCAR winners both male and female and explain what this graph shows.

  2. Complete frequency distribution tables given some of the information needed

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

Video explanations of Stem and Leaf Plots

Video explanation of Frequency distribution tables

Activity too easy?

  1. Alex says, "This data is biased and this trend is only because in the 20s and 30s things were extremely bad" How could you test this hypothesis?

  2. Draw stem and leaf plots from 2 different 20 year periods. Explain why Alex is correct / incorrect?

  3. Here is a professionally written story about OSCAR winners ages. What aspects do you agree with? What aspects of the story do you think needs to be emphasised more? Newspaper report on age of winners

Brain Break