Week B

Early Stage 1

These learning activities are designed to be completed in sequence beginning on Monday

Daily Prayer

Jesus Loves me

Please watch the video above to help us get ready for prayer:

Let us pray:

Dear Jesus,

I know you love me very much,

and that I am very special to you.

Even when I do silly things and upset mum and dad,

You still love me.

I love you too.


Religious Education

Learning Intention

We are learning that Jesus showed us how God wants us to live.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • can explain how prayer can help us to be a good friend

  • can name ways that I can be a good friend


ES1 Jesus- demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of Jesus as the incarnate Son of God who loves us and invites us to grow in relationship with him.

You will need



Coloured Pencils


  1. Listen to the song These Hands by Andrew Chinn

  2. Draw how you can be a good friend with your hands

  3. Draw how you can be a good friend with your words

  4. Draw how you can be a good friend with your heart

  5. Make up a dance to These Hands to teach others how to be a good friend


Learning Intention

We are learning to think and share ideas about stories we listen to and watch.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • can retell and perform a familiar story or rhyme

  • can use an expressive voice.



Thinks imaginatively and creatively about familiar topics, simple ideas and the basic features of texts when responding to and composing texts.

You will need



Coloured Pencils, crayons or paint

Lead Pencil


Creative Response - The Magic Hat

  • Open the Google slides (on the right) and follow the written and audio prompts as you listen to the story and think about the text.

  • Read beautiful stories every day for enjoyment.

NB. for Parents - Encourage your child to draw, talk and 'write' every day. Beginning writing might look like a picture, scribbly marks, single letters or even some words including their own name. Accept all attempts at writing and encourage your child to tell you about their pictures and writing.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • Let’s read and say the rhyme together so we can recite it.

Activity too easy?

  • Can you add to the rhyme or change the words to make it your own?

2022 Week B Friday



You will need



Lead Pencil
Popsticks or straws

Click play to listen to the task.

Task 5 Friday Wk 5.m4a


Bumper Cars

You will need some sticks - toothpicks, craft matchsticks, popsticks or straws and some toy cars.

Use the sticks or straws to make squares and rectangles that are big enough for one of your toy cars to fit inside the shape.

How many sticks did you use for the length of the outside of your shape?

Can you use the same number of sticks but move them to make the shape a different way?

Describe your shape. How many sticks did you use for the long sides? How many sticks did you use for the shorter sides?

Draw your shapes. Write numbers next to your picture to show how many sticks long the sides of the shapes are.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • Make a rectangle with sticks or straws.

  • How many sticks did you use?

  • Draw what you did. Write the number of sticks.

Activity too easy?

  • What if the shape for your car was twice as big? How many sticks would you need? Try it out. How many cars fit inside now?

Image source: reSolve

Brain Breaks

Be sure to take a break at least every hour or so.

There are some ideas in the slideshow, but feel free to come up with your own activities.

Week B Brain breaks K-6