Week C

Early Stage 1

These learning activities are designed to be completed in sequence beginning on Monday

Daily Prayer

Thursday Prayer

Religious Education

Learning Intention

We are learning that prayer is speaking and listening to God

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • make the sign of the cross

  • explain why we make the sign of the cross

ES1- Prayer

demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of prayer as very important in our relationship with God.

You will need






  1. Watch the video Sign of the Cross

  2. Draw or print a picture of yourself

  3. Draw a small cross on each place you touch when you make the sign of the cross

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • Can you explain or teach someone in your home how to make the sign of the cross?

Activity too easy?

  • What ways could you teach others how to make the sign of the cross


Learning Intention

We are learning how authors use words and pictures to tell a story.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • can match pictures that rhyme

  • can hear the beginning sounds of words.

Aligned to English outcomes


Demonstrates developing skills in using letters, simple sound blends and some sight words to represent known words when spelling.

You will need


Lead Pencil




Working with Words - Mr McGee

  • Open the Google slides (on the right) and follow the written and audio prompts as you listen to the story and think about the text.

  • Read beautiful stories every day for enjoyment.

NB. for Parents - Encourage your child to draw, talk and 'write' every day. Beginning writing might look like a picture, scribbly marks, single letters or even some words including their own name. Accept all attempts at writing and encourage your child to tell you about their pictures and writing.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • Look for things that start with the 'm' sound and say the word.

Activity too easy?

  • Walk around your house and identify the sounds that different things start with.

2022 Week C Thursday



Learning Intention

I am learning to show equal groups in rows and columns in different ways.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • show equal groups in rows and columns in more than one way

  • record my thinking using pictures, words and numbers

  • explain my thinking to someone else.

Aligned to Mathematics outcomes


Groups, shares and counts collections of objects, describes using everyday language, and records using informal methods.

You will need

Lead Pencil




Chocolate Block

How many squares of chocolate are in this chocolate block?

Work it out two different ways.

Can you arrange the squares of chocolate a different way but still with equal rows and columns?

Describe what you did using the words ‘rows’ and ‘columns’. How many rows do you have? How many columns do you have?

Draw your chocolate block and write some numbers and words to explain what you did.

Imagine there was one extra row added to the chocolate block. How many squares would you have then?

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

How many squares of chocolate are there? Try not to count by ones.

Image source: Pixabay

Activity too easy?

A big bite has been taken out of this chocolate block! How many pieces of chocolate were there before some of it was eaten?

Thursday Wk 6.m4a

Click play to hear the question.

Brain Breaks

Be sure to take a break at least every hour or so.

There are some ideas in the slideshow, but feel free to come up with your own activities.

K-6 Week C Brain breaks