Week A
Stage 1
Daily Prayer
My Thank You Prayer!
When you pray you are talking to God. We ask God for help, to look after our family and loved ones. Today, you are going to write a prayer to God thanking him. You will also be drawing a picture.
Resources: Paper, pencil, colour in pencils
Begin with the Sign of the Cross
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths, breathing in and out three times
Take time to answer this question.
Write down as many answers as you wish.
What would you like to Thank God for? (This could be family, friends, food, toys…)
Draw a picture underneath your prayer and colour it in.
Conclude with the sign of the cross.
Note: Please use the whole prayer or parts of it to suit your child’s age and needs.
Religious Education
Learning Intention
We are learning to recognise the Bible is a special book for today.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I…
can retell a Scripture and how it shows God’s love
can explain why this Scripture from the Old Testament is important for me today
S1 Scripture- demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of important scriptural stories and their significance.
You will need
Coloured Pencils
Open the Google slides
Listen and read to the introduction of Moses.
Watch the Youtube clips
Answer the questions by discussing and recording your responses.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
What did Moses do?
What did God do?
Did Moses think he could do what God asked of him?
What is the message of the Scripture story?
What can we learn about this Scripture?
Activity too easy?
Why was Moses chosen?
Why didn’t people believe in Moses/ God?
Do you feel like Moses at times?
How is the message important for us today?
Learning Intention
We are learning to think about and respond to texts in thoughtful and imaginative ways.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I…
listen to and enjoy a story
use clues in the text to predict how characters might think, act and feel
compose a short story about a different character.
Thinks imaginatively and creatively about familiar topics, ideas and texts when responding to and composing texts.
You will need
Coloured Pencils
Choose a different character from the text and write a story about their day at school . For example, Sid the Squid. What might be a problem for him at school and how might he overcome it?
Use the story map to plan your story and then write it.
Use a coloured pencil to read through your story and make corrections or improvements.
Read your story to a family member.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Which character will you write about?
Think about what will happen in your story at the beginning, the middle, and the end.
Does your story have a problem and a solution?
Activity too easy?
Check your sentence beginnings. Are all your sentences starting the same way? Use the resource to change some of your sentence beginnings to make your story more interesting.

Learning Intention
We are learning to solve subtraction problems and describe using both a subtraction number sentence and addition number sentence. Eg: 12-8=4 4+8=12.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
visualise a possible solution
draw a picture and matching number sentence to describe my solution
find more than one solution to the problem.
MA1-5NA Uses a range of strategies and informal recording methods for addition and subtraction involving one- and two-digit numbers.
You will need

Click play to listen to the task.
Birds in the tree
There were some birds in the tree. Some flew away. Now there are only 4 birds left. How many were in the tree and how many flew away?
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
There were 20 birds in the tree. Some flew away.
There were 4 left. How many flew away?
Activity too easy?
There were more than 30 birds in the tree. Some flew away and there were 14 left.
How many birds were there and how many flew away?
Image source: Pixabay