Week E
Early Stage 1
These learning activities are designed to be completed in sequence beginning on Monday
Daily Prayer
Loving God,
Help us to work together and to share what we have,
so that everyone has what they need.
Help us to build a better world where each of us can become the best person we can be.
Religious Education
Learning Intention
We are learning that the Church is a community that celebrates God’s love
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
can identify who the members of the Church are
can name the ways the Church celebrates God’s love
ES1 Church- demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the Church as a special community described as God’s family.
You will need
Listen to the song Gather Together.
This is a song about gathering as Church
From what you have heard in the song, draw and label some of the things that the Church does together.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Can you make up actions to the song to show what the Church does together?
Activity too easy?
What else have you seen people do when they gather as Church? Draw and write about it
Learning Intention
We are learning to compare and connect our own experiences to texts we read and write.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
can think and talk about character feelings
can make connections to my experiences.
Aligned to English outcomes
Responds to and composes simple texts about familiar aspects of the world and their own experiences.
You will need
Understanding the Text - "Anemone is NOT the Enemy" by Anna McGregor
Open the Google slides (on the right) and follow the written and audio prompts as you listen to and think about the text.
Independent Reading as outlined on the slides
Independent Writing as outlined on the slides.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
How did Anemone feel at the beginning of the story? How did she feel at the end of the story?
Activity too easy?
Draw a timeline to show how Anemone's feelings changed from the beginning to the end of the story. Include all the things that happened to Anemone along the way.
Learning Intention
I am learning to explore and describe the mass of objects.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
can compare the mass (or weight) of objects
describe the mass of objects in lots of different ways
record what I find out using drawings, numbers and words.
Aligned to Mathematics outcomes
Describes and compares the masses of objects using everyday language.
You will need

Click play to listen to the maths task.
Find a pen. How heavy does it feel?
This pygmy possum weighs about the same as a pen!
What can you find that is lighter than a pen?
Have a guess first, then check by holding the pen in one hand and the object that you think is lighter, in your other hand.
Talk about what you found out.
Draw and write about it.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too easy?
Can you find something that is big, but light?
Image credit: Jamie Harris | warra.com Image credit: Pixabay