Week B
Stage 1
These learning activities are designed to be completed in sequence beginning on Monday
Daily Prayer
A prayer for the Earth!
Begin with the Sign of the Cross
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths, breathing in and out three times
Watch this video below!
Conclude with the sign of the cross.
Note: Please use the whole prayer or parts of it to suit your child’s age and need
Religious Education
Learning Intention
We are learning that the Gospels tell the Good News of Jesus
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
Can name the ways Jesus loved and helped people
Can explain how Jesus made people feel
S1 Scripture - demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of important Scriptural stories and their significance.
You will need
Watch the video.
Jesus healed the man both on the outside (physically) and on the inside (spiritually) by forgiving the man’s sins
Think about a time when you had to say sorry. What did you do? How did it make you feel?
Write a prayer to Jesus to say sorry for something that you do not feel good about or to ask Jesus to help you to make good choices.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
When have you had to say sorry to someone?
When has someone said sorry to you?
Draw about a time when you had to say sorry or forgive another person
Activity too easy?
What other stories do you know about Jesus healing people?
Find another story of healing and forgiveness in one of the Gospels. Retell the story as the person who was healed by Jesus.
Learning Intention
We are learning to think about and respond to texts in thoughtful and imaginative ways.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
use my background knowledge and clues in the text to think about the characters
identify and describe the actions of characters in the text
Aligned to English outcomes
Thinks imaginatively and creatively about familiar topics, ideas and texts when responding to and composing texts.
You will need
Understanding the Text
Open the Google slides (on the right) and follow the written and audio prompts as you listen to the story and think about the text.
Independent Reading as outlined on the slides
Independent Writing as outlined on the slides
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Can you think of a time when the bear was brave?
Activity too easy?
Who was the bravest character in the story and why?

Learning Intention
We are learning to solve problems using multiplication and division.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
can imagine a solution and draw a picture.
describe using a number sentence.
explain how I found a solution.
Uses a range of mental strategies and concrete materials for multiplication and division.
You will need

Click play to listen to the task.
How many animals ?
There are 48 legs on the farm. What animals might be on the farm?
Find more than one solution.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
There are 24 legs on the farm. What animals might be on the farm? Draw a picture and find more than one solution.
Activity too easy?
There are 72 legs on the farm. What animals might be on the farm?
Find more than one solution without drawing all of the animals.
Image from Pixabay