Week B

Stage 5

These learning activities are designed to be completed in sequence beginning on Monday

Daily Prayer

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Loving Father, I gather in Your presence.

I invite stillness into my heart.

May I breathe in Your peace and breathe out all stress and worry.

Holy Spirit, speak to me through this time in prayer so that the ear of my heart may understand God’s will.

View the following video:

Cherish and Challenge:

Cherish: Reflect on a time when you received forgiveness from someone? How did it feel?

Challenge: What burden, problem, worry or hurt do you want to give to Jesus?

God of Calvary,

You carried the cross so that we did not have to. Remind me that your shoulders are broad and that because of Your love, you want to carry our burden. Help me to grow in trust, and to hand it over to you.

No problem is bigger than you. Jesus, you take over.

We pray this in the name of love, Jesus Christ,


Religious Education

Learning Intention

Students are learning about how the principles of Catholic Social Teaching are evident in the work of Caritas Australia.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I can

  • connect the CST to the focus study

  • link the Catholic Worldview & Faith in Action to the mission of Caritas



You will need



Google Doc






Complete the following activity:

  1. Go to this site & download the secondary student workbook and save a copy to complete the following activities. (You may have already downloaded this booklet from previously completed work).

  2. Rosalie's story beings on page 23 of the workbook, read & watch the video about her story.

  3. Read page 24

  4. Complete the activities found on page 25.

  5. Country study page 26 explore and complete the activities in your workbook.

  6. Connect Rosalie's story to the Catholic Worldview and Faith in Action on page 27 and complete the activities in your workbook.

Supporting my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • Identify one area of interest and focus on this connecting to the theme.

Activity too easy?

  • explore the themes connection to the Season of Lent.


Learning Intention

We are learning to analyse texts and formulate ideas based on how history is presented from a variety of perspectives.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I

  • recall information and define specific terms

  • view and interpret a variety of sources

  • respond in writing to questions that require me to evaluate a variety of perspectives that reflect social, historical and cultural contexts relating to WWI.

Aligned to English outcomes


Questions, challenges and evaluates cultural assumptions in texts and their effects on meaning

You will need


Google Doc




Access and view the Google Slide and complete all activities on the Google Doc.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • If you find this a challenge, you can watch this clip on What is Propaganda? from the British Library.

Activity too easy?



Learning Intention

Students are calculating the area and volume of various shapes.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • can calculate the volume of simple rectangular prisms.

  • can explain why there is a limited number of rectangular prisms that have a volume of 60 cubic metres and all the side lengths are whole numbers

Aligned to Mathematics outcomes


Calculates the areas of composite shapes, and the surface areas of rectangular and triangular prisms.


Applies formulas to calculate the volumes of composite solids composed of right prisms and cylinders.

You will need





These problems involve area and volume so click the tasks in the Resources section to get started.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • Enabling prompts are on the worksheet attached below.

Activity too easy?

  • Extending prompts are on the worksheet attached below.


Brain Break