Week D

Early Stage 1

These learning activities are designed to be completed in sequence beginning on Monday

Daily Prayer

Religious Education

Learning Intention

We are learning that there are different ways to pray

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • name good choices

  • explain how making good choices is saying Yes to God

ES1- Prayer

demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of prayer as very important in our relationship with God.

You will need






Lead Pencil


  1. Listen to the song Choices

  2. What was a good choice you heard in the song

  3. Draw a picture of the good choice.

  4. Draw a picture of what would happen if you didn’t make that good choice

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • Can you think of a time you made a good choice at home or at school?

Activity too easy?

  • What choice will you make to be the best person you can be the way God wants you to be? Draw and write what this choice is. Put it somewhere in your home to remind you to keep making that good choice.


Learning Intention

We are learning to discuss ideas from stories we read.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • make connections to stories

  • get ideas from stories

  • retell or create a story.

Aligned to English outcomes


Thinks imaginatively and creatively about familiar topics, ideas and texts when responding to and composing texts.

You will need


Craft tools


Lead Pencil



Creative Response - Grandpa and Thomas by Pamela Allen

  • Open the Google slides (on the right) and follow the written and audio prompts as you listen to the story and think about the text.

  • Read beautiful stories every day for enjoyment.

NB. for Parents - Encourage your child to draw, talk and 'write' every day. Beginning writing might look like a picture, scribbly marks, single letters or even some words including their own name. Accept all attempts at writing and encourage your child to tell you about their pictures and writing.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • Make a beach scene to retell the story of Grandpa and Thomas.

Activity too easy?

  • Create your own story based on the ideas from 'Grandpa and Thomas'. For example - 'Nanny and Millie' or 'Aunty Kathy and Pippa'.

Week D Friday



Learning Intention

I am learning to find half of a collection of objects.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • record my thinking using pictures, words and numbers

  • find more than one solution

  • explain my thinking to someone else.

Aligned to Mathematics outcomes


Describes two equal parts as halves.

You will need

Lead Pencil

Coloured pencils



Task 5 Friday Wk 7.m4a

Click play to hear the task.


Juice Boxes

Papa Teddy packed some boxes of juice for the picnic.

Half were apple juice and half were orange juice.

How many juice boxes might he have packed?

How many were apple juice and how many were orange juice? Use some objects to help you.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • What if Papa Bear packed 18 boxes of juice. How many are apple juice and how many are orange juice?

Activity too easy?

  • What if there were four teddy bears on the picnic? Could you divide the juice boxes four ways?

apple juice orange juice

Image source: Pixabay

Brain Breaks

Be sure to take a break at least every hour or so.

There are some ideas in the slideshow, but feel free to come up with your own activities.

Brain Breaks Week D