Week A
Stage 1
Daily Prayer
Praying with your FIVE Fingers
Begin with the Sign of the Cross
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths, breathing in and out three times.
Open the palm of your hands and look at each of your fingers.
Being with your Thumb. This is the nearest to you. Take time to pray for your family and friends.
The next finger is the pointing finger. Take time to pray for your teachers, doctor, and Priest.
The next finger is the tallest finger. Take time to pray for leaders. They are people who care and protect us. Pray for the police, the Prime Minister and other leaders.
The fourth finger is our ring finger. Take time to pray for help for those who are sick so they can feel better.
Last is our pinkie finger, the smallest finger of all. Take time now to pray for yourself. Tell God what you need.
Conclude with the sign of the cross
Note: Please use the whole prayer or parts of it to suit your child’s age and needs.
Religious Education
Learning Intention
We are learning to recognise the Bible is a special book for today.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I…
can name the parts of the Bible
can recall some scriptures in the Bible and name what part of the Bible they come from
S1- Scripture demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of important scriptural stories and their significance.
You will need
Google Doc
Coloured pencils
Recall what you heard and saw on the video from the previous lesson from the Thinking Routine - See and Hear and Thinking Routine -Know and Need to Know
Click to access the Google slides
Name/ write and draw Scriptures you know
Sort out which Scriptures come from the New Testament or Old testament.
What have you learned? Do you have more questions? Add to your Thinking Routine -Know and Need to Know
Which Scripture stories are from the Old Testament which are from the New Testament? Draw or write the Scripture stories that belong in each section. Draw on this slide or on a piece of paper. What are other Scriptures you know?
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
What are the two main parts of the Bible?What are some Scripture stories from the Bible?
Why is the Bible important?
Activity too easy?
What are other scriptures you know?
What are some scriptures that talk of God’s love?
What are some of the other books found in the Bible? How many books are there?
Learning Intention
We are learning to think about and respond to texts in thoughtful and imaginative ways.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I…
listen to and enjoy the story
think about what I learn about the main character
explain how the main character changes throughout the story.
Thinks imaginatively and creatively about familiar topics, ideas and texts when responding to and composing texts.
You will need
Coloured pencils
View the story, Clark the Shark, and notice how Clark changes throughout the story.
On a piece of paper record your thinking using pictures and words. On one side record your thinking about what Clark is like at the beginning of the story and on the other side record how he has changed by the end of the story.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
What is the problem Clark is having at school with his friends and how is it making him feel?
How does Clark change and what effect does this have on his friendships?
Activity too easy?
Can you think of 5 words that would describe Clark at the beginning of the story and 5 words to describe Clark at the end of the story?
Learning Intention
We are learning to partition numbers in different ways and describe with number sentences using addition.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
visualise what a solution may be
solve the problem in more than one way
draw and describe the problem using a number sentence.
MA1-5NA Uses a range of strategies and informal recording methods for addition and subtraction involving one- and two-digit numbers.
You will need

Click play to listen to the task.
Playing in the Park
There are 30 children playing in the park on different play equipment (Climbing Frame, Slippery Dip, Sand pit, Flying Fox).
How many children might be playing on each?
Write a number sentence to describe how many might be playing at each area.
Find two or more solutions to the problem.
Image source: Pixabay
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
There are 20 children playing at the park on the climbing frame, sand pit and flying fox.
How many might be in each area?
Write a number sentence using addition.
Activity too easy?
There are more than 30 children playing at the park in the different areas. How many might be in each area?