Week A
Early Stage 1
Daily Prayer
Religious Education
Learning Intention
We are learning that Jesus is the Son of God and the son of Mary
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I …
can name members of Jesus' family
can retell a story about Jesus
ES1 Jesus- demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of Jesus as the incarnate Son of God who loves us and invites us to grow in relationship with him.
You will need
Colour Pencils
Jesus is the son of Mary and of God. Joseph was his father on earth. This is a story from the bible about Jesus as a boy.
Watch the video 'The Boy Jesus in the Temple'
Talk to someone in your home about the story. How you think Mary and Joseph felt when they could not find Jesus? How do you think they felt when they found him?
Draw what you think is the most important part of the story. Why did you draw that part of the story?
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Can you retell the story to someone in your family?
Activity too easy?
Why do you think Mary and Joseph were worried about Jesus?
Why do you think Jesus wanted to go to the Temple?
Learning Intention
We are learning how words and pictures tell a story
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I …
read the words in the title
can order words to make a story
can match words that are the same.
Responds to and composes simple texts about familiar aspects of the world and their own experiences.
You will need
Colour Pencils
Working with Words - "I Went Walking"
Open the Google slides (on the right) and follow the written and audio prompts as you listen to and think about the text.
Read beautiful stories every day for enjoyment.
Encourage your child to draw, talk and 'write' every day. Beginning writing might look like a picture, scribbly marks, single letters or even some words including their own name. Accept all attempts at writing and encourage your child to tell you about their pictures and writing.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Cut out words cards I, went, walking and match to words on the front cover.
Activity too easy?
Make extra words cards I, saw, a and then add animal names to make the story,
Learning Intention
I am learning to count forwards and backwards, and make a repeating pattern.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I …
can count the number of objects I collected forwards and backwards
can try to count by twos
can make and draw a pattern and continue it so that it repeats
can describe my pattern to someone else.
MAe-4NA Counts to 30, and orders, reads and represents numbers in the range 0 to 20.
MAe-8NA Recognises, describes and continues repeating patterns.
You will need
Put on a hat and sunscreen. Grab a plastic bowl.
Go outside and explore your garden and collect objects to count. Put them in your bowl - for example gumnuts, flowers, leaves, sticks, pebbles.
Try to collect things that have already dropped onto the ground.
Count your collection in lots of different ways.
Try forwards and backwards.
Making a Pattern
Now make a repeating pattern with your objects.
Draw and label your pattern. You could even take a photo!
Describe your pattern to someone else.
How many times does your pattern repeat?
Can you add any numbers to your drawing of the pattern?
Top Tip: If you don’t have a backyard or balcony garden, collect some objects from around your house (ask an adult first!) like pieces of pasta, pegs, buttons, lego bricks, crayons, and small toys.
Image source: Pixabay

Click the play button to listen to the task.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Have someone at home make a pattern. Copy their pattern. Can you continue it?
Now try to make your own pattern.
Activity too easy?
What’s the trickiest pattern you can make?
Can you count by 2s? What about by 5s or 10s?
Can you make a number pattern?