Week B
Stage 3
These learning activities are designed to be completed in sequence beginning on Monday
Daily Prayer
Caring for our Earth: a prayer for children!
Begin with the Sign of the Cross
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths, breathing in and out three times
Watch this video below!
Conclude with the sign of the cross.
Note: Please use the whole prayer or parts of it to suit your child’s age and needs.
Religious Education
Learning Intention
We are learning to identify how Scripture and our Catholic community can support us in following the example of Jesus
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
can identify what the New Testament tells us about saints
can recognise ways that my community is and/or could be saintly
S3 Christian Life- Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of Christian life as a response to God’s love of us and of all creation in leadership and service of others and care for the earth.
You will need
Open these slides
The slides will direct you to:
Watch the video
Read the slides
Complete the activity
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Draw two columns. In the first, write or draw all the things you know about saints. In the second, write or draw all the things you would like to know more about saints.
Activity too easy?
Can you find photos on your school website of people engaged in saintly acts?
Learning Intention
We are learning to navigate and read texts to find specific information.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
skim, scan and scroll a web-based text to locate relevant information.
record key facts in a note making grid.
compose a short written text using my notes.
Aligned to English outcomes
Uses an integrated range of skills, strategies and knowledge to read, view and comprehend a wide range of texts in different media and technologies.
Composes, edits and presents well-structured and coherent texts.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Create a short written summary of one type of renewable energy using facts from your notes.
Activity too easy?
Compose a short text comparing two forms of renewables and recommend the one which you believe will be the best for your home.
Learning Intention
We are learning to calculate fractions of a collection.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
prove my thinking using numbers, pictures and words
show at least 2 ways to show my thinking
calculate the fractions in a collection and explain how I know.
Compares, orders and calculates with fractions, decimals and percentages.
You will need
I’m going to order 6 boxes of cupcakes for a party and I want ¾ of the cakes to be chocolate.
How many boxes will have chocolate cupcakes in them ?
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Make a fraction by drawing or using equipment
Use the fraction wall in Resources to help you
Activity too easy?
The cupcake company has baked too many strawberry cupcakes and has offered you some for free. They will give you ⅙ of your cupcake collection.
How many strawberry cupcakes will you get?
Prove your thinking in at least 2 ways.
Image source: Pixabay