Week 6
Stage 3
These learning activities are designed to be completed in sequence beginning on Monday
Daily Prayer
Religious Education
Learning Intention
We are learning practical ways to live our mission.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
Name the Beatitudes
Connect the Beatitudes to my life
S3 LC4: demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the Church as being led by the Holy Spirit, as honouring Mary and as having a life and mission in which individuals are called to various ministries of service.
You will need
Watch the video exploring “The Beatitudes.”
Respond to the questions below
What do you see in the passage?
What do you think about what Jesus said to the crowd?
What does it make you wonder?
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Write your ‘Knows’ and ‘Need to Knows’ after reading this passage
Activity too easy?
Use the Compass Points thinking routine:
E = Excited
What excites you about the Beatitudes? What’s the upside
W = Worrisome
What do you find worrisome about the Beatitudes? What’s the downside?
N = Need to Know
What else do you need to know or find out about the Beatitudes? What additional information would help you to evaluate things?
S = Stance or Suggestion for Moving Forward
What is your current stance or opinion on the Beatitudes?

Learning Intention
We are learning how text structures and language features work together in Explanation texts.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
activate knowledge of the topic and associated vocabulary.
identify the audience and purpose of texts.
use my comprehension strategies to interpret texts which explain.
Aligned to English outcomes
EN3-3A uses an integrated range of skills, strategies and knowledge to read, view and comprehend a wide range of texts in different media and technologies
Open the Google slides (on the right) and follow the written and audio prompts to complete your English learning activities for today.
Independent Reading as outlined on the slides.
Independent Writing as outlined on the slides.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Cut out the words in the Word Bank. Sort them into groups of words that are connected in some way.
Talk to an adult about your word sort. Discuss why you grouped the words together?
Now try the KWL chart and view the video.
Activity too easy?
How many technical words can you add to the climate change Word Bank? Can you sort them? Discuss with a parent /teacher before finalising your KWL.
Climate Change Video

Learning Intention
We are learning to estimate, measure and compare angles using degrees.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
solve problems involving shapes and angles
explain how the size of an unknown angle in a diagram was calculated
prove my thinking in more than one way.
Aligned to Mathematics outcomes
MA3-16MG: measures and constructs angles, and applies angle relationships to find unknown angles.
You will need
In a circle there are 360 degrees.
Work out the exact size of as many of the angles in this shape as you can.
Explain how you worked them out.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
In a circle there are 360 degrees.
Work out the exact size of as many of the angles in this shape as you can. (all the triangles are the same)
Activity too easy?
Work out the size of all of the angles in this shape (assume the outside shape is a square).
Brain Break(er)
There are four, very important components to your wellbeing. They include resilience, optimism, hope, and self-efficacy. Each of this week's tasks have been designed to support one or more of these components.
You will need to work with your parents on most of these tasks.
Health and Physical Education
Learning Intention
I am learning to perform basketball skills in physical activity.
Success Criteria
I know I am successful when I:
can refine and change my skills through practice
can persevere with consistency and confidence
use tactics and movement skills in team games
Aligned to PE outcomes
Creates and participates in physical activities to promote healthy and active lifestyles
Adapts movement skills in a variety of physical activity contexts
You will need:
Basketball or other large bouncy ball (A pumped up ball is best.)
Warm Up: Body Wraps (Ball handling exercise)
Watch the warm up video.
Start by holding the ball in front of your stomach. Pass the ball around your body and collect with your opposite hand behind your back.
Bring the ball back to the start position and repeat for 1 minute.
Watch the teacher video for guidance.
Activity: Dribbling Activity on the spot (30 second rotations)
Bounce the ball at knee height
Bounce the ball at waist height
Bounce the ball fast
Bounce the ball slowly
Bounce with your left hand
Bounce with your right hand
Bounce the ball while looking ahead
Bounce the ball really low (below the knee)
Bounce the ball really high (above the shoulder)
How many times can you bounce the ball in a row (without losing control)
Cool Down: Yoga
Watch the video to follow along with the yoga poses to relax our muscles and slow our breathing again.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Continue to keep the ball low and preserve in dribbling it on the spot, with your dominant hand. Continue this until you feel comfortable moving to your non-dominant hand.
Activity too easy?
Complete the drills while travelling up and down a length (10 steps). Walk at a faster pace or run while completing these drills and staying in control of the ball.