Week 6

Stage 3

These learning activities are designed to be completed in sequence beginning on Monday

Daily Prayer

Tuesday Prayer

Religious Education

Learning Intention

We are learning practical ways to live our mission.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • Name the Beatitudes

  • Connect the Beatitudes to my life

S3 LC4: demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the Church as being led by the Holy Spirit, as honouring Mary and as having a life and mission in which individuals are called to various ministries of service.

You will need

Google Slide


Yesterday you explored the Beatitudes. Today we are making real world connections to some of them.

Open these Slides to complete the activity. There is some more information about the Beatitudes below in the resources.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • Can you think of ways that people can feel blessed or happy even in sad times? Draw or write about them.

  • Do you know people who seem to be really calm and peaceful?
    Write about what might make them that way.

Activity too easy?

  • Write your own set of Beatitudes for a modern day audience.


Beatitudes Reflection


Learning Intention

We are learning how text structures and language features work together in Explanation texts.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • identify the purpose and structure of an explanation text.

  • identify the language of cause and effect in sentences which explain a situation.

  • illustrate a cause and effect sequence in a graphic organiser.

Aligned to English outcomes

EN3-3A​ uses an integrated range of skills, strategies and knowledge to read, view and comprehend a wide range of texts in different media and technologies

You will need


Lead Pencil




Google Doc



  1. Read the text excerpt from "The Climate Change Book" to identify the main idea and supporting details within each paragraph.

  2. Watch the screencast which shows you about 'Cause and Effect Language'. Then identify and highlight the cause and effect parts in paragraphs 2 and 3.

  3. Lastly watch the 'Cause and Effect Chains' screencast and then construct a graphic organiser for paragraph 2 OR 3 which shows the chains of cause and effect.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • Identify and copy any 2 or 3 sentences which clearly show cause and effect. Use highlighters to identify the CAUSE and EFFECT and underline the VERBS which link them.

Activity too easy?

  • Once finished tasks 1 and 2 turn some of the cause and effect sentences around so the effect is mentioned first? eg Rising sea temperatures are caused by melting polar ice. (This challenge task is an additional task.)

02 Stage 3 Week 6 ENGLISH TUESDAY



Learning Intention

We are learning to estimate, measure and compare angles using degrees.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • solve problems involving shapes and angles

  • explain how the size of an unknown angle in a diagram was calculated

  • give clear explanations of my thinking.

Aligned to Mathematics outcomes

MA3-16MG: measures and constructs angles, and applies angle relationships to find unknown angles.

You will need

Lead Pencil




Work out the exact size of as many of the angles in this shape as you can.

Explain how you worked them out.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • What do you know about the angles in a rhombus that could help you?

  • A straight line has 180°. How can this help you?

Activity too easy?

  • Work out the size of each of the unknown angles.

  • Use a protractor to draw the diagram.


If you need to use pattern blocks, click on the picture.

Brain Break(er)

There are four, very important components to your wellbeing. They include resilience, optimism, hope, and self-efficacy. Each of this week's tasks have been designed to support one or more of these components.

You will need to work with your parents on most of these tasks.

Week 6 - Primary Brain Breaks

Health and Physical Education