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These learning activities are designed to be completed in sequence beginning on Monday
Daily Prayer
Religious Education
Learning Intention
We are learning to recognise the stories of Jesus are found in the Gospels.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
describe the Feast of Christ the King.
explain what the Feast of Christ the King means.
Reflect on the meaning of Advent.
S1 LC 4 Scripture - with a Christmas Focus demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of important Scriptural stories and their significance.
You will need
Google Doc
Click on the Google Slides.
Listen and Read Slide 2.
Watch the video and write on the Thinking Routine - Hear, Think, Wonder.
Respond to the questions by writing in your workbook.
Watch the Video on Slide 5.
Write your knows and Need to Knows.
Share your learning with your family or your teacher.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
What Feast Day was it on Sunday?
What words did you see on Slide 5.
Activity too easy?
Why do we celebrate the Feast Day Christ the King?
What does Advent mean?
Learning Intention
We are learning to use comprehension strategies to understand texts more deeply.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
view and enjoy the text.
visualise what is happening in the text as I am viewing.
illustrate and explain the parts of the text that I visualised.
Aligned to English outcomes
Draws on an increasing range of skills and strategies to fluently read, view, and comprehend a range of texts on less familiar topics in different media and technologies.
You will need
Engaging with the Text
Open the Google slides (on the right) and follow the written and audio prompts as you listen to the story and think about the text.
Independent Reading as outlined on the slides
Independent Writing as outlined on the slides
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
What did you see flying through the air during the storm?
Activity too easy?
Compare the visualisations you recorded to the illustrations in the text. What is the same and what is different?
Learning Intention
We are learning to create, represent and continue patterns with numbers and objects.
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
can visualise a pattern with objects
can create and continue a variety of patterns with objects
can record and describe the pattern.
Aligned to Mathematics outcomes
creates, represents and continues a variety of patterns with numbers and objects
You will need
Coloured pencils
Repeating Patterns
Make a repeating pattern using 2 or more objects such as cutlery, toys, pegs etc
Draw and describe the pattern
Make a different pattern and describe it.
Click play to hear the task

Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Can you continue my 2 colour pattern using pegs ?
Red, blue, red, blue…...
Activity too easy?
Can you make a pattern using 4 objects? 5 objects ?
What do you notice if you repeat your pattern 5 times? How many objects do you need? How many objects wod you need if you repeated your pattern 10 times?
Author's own image
Brain Break(er)
Physical Education
Learning Intention
We are learning how to catch an object while using other body movements
Success Criteria
I will know I am successful when I:
am tracking the object with my eyes
move my body towards the object
extend my arms to the object
bend my knees slightly and lower my outstretched hands in order to catch
can catch the object successfully using 2 hands to soften the catch
Aligned to PE outcomes
PDe1-4 performs movement skills in a variety of sequences and situations.
PDe1-11 incorporates elements of space, time, objects effort and people in creating and performing simple movement sequences.
You will need: A ball, soft toy or sock ball; Enclosed sports shoes
Watch the video for the warm up activity.
Continue watching the video for the main activity.
Main activity will be around throwing and catching an object;
Throwing an object into the air while clapping before catching the object.
Throwing an object into the air then spinning around before catching it.
Drop an object from shoulder height and attempt to catch it before it reaches the ground.
You DO NOT need an activity log book as described in the video.
Questions to support my thinking
Activity too hard?
Bounce the ball in front of you while catching each time.
Activity too easy?
Throw and catch while running on the spot.
Throw to another position while running to catch at the new position.
Only use one hand (Alternate between your left and right hands)