Week 5

Early Stage 1

These learning activities are designed to be completed in sequence beginning on Monday

Daily Prayer

Copy of The Parable of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15

Religious Education

Learning Intention

We are learning to deepen our understanding of features of the Bible

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • explain what the Gospels are about and how it shows God’s love.

  • retell the scripture of when Jesus was baptised

ES1 LC 4 Scripture - demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of important Scriptural stories and their significance.

You will need



or Workbook

Google Doc



Lead Pencil


  1. Open the Google slides

  2. Listen and read about the Gospels.

  3. Respond to the questions

  4. Add to the Knows and Need to Knows

  5. Watch this video and write in the Thinking Routine-What did I hear What did I see?

  6. Respond to the questions

  7. Add to the Knows and Need to Knows

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • What are the Gospels about?

  • I wonder what John the Baptist did?

  • I wonder where people went to get baptised?

Activity too easy?

  • How do the Gospels show of God’s love?

  • why Jesus got baptised?

  • What Jesus’ mission is?



Learning Intention

We are learning about the purpose of drawing and writing in a text that we compose.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • can compose a story using words and pictures.

  • can use ideas from other authors.

Aligned to English outcomes


Recognises some different purposes for writing and that own texts differ in various ways.

You will need




Lead Pencil


Writing Response - Create your own story book.

  • Open the Google slides (on the right) and follow the written and audio prompts as you listen to the story and think about the text.

  • Independent Reading as outlined on the slides

  • Independent Writing as outlined on the slides

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • Make a booklet called "This is a ... ."

  • On each page complete a sentence "This is a ______ ." Draw a picture that does not match the sentence.

Activity too easy?

  • Imagine you are the princess or the monster in the story. Write about what you would say to the author. How would you feel if you were a monster but you were called a princess?

Week 5 Thursday


"This is a Ball"

can be found on SORA.


Learning Intention

I am learning to give and follow directions and describe the position of objects.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • can give and follow directions to put objects in a position

  • describe the position of objects using many different words.

Aligned to Mathematics outcomes



Describes position and gives and follows simple directions using everyday language.

You will need



Lead Pencil


Look at this map of Five Wonders Theme Park

Image source: Teachstarter


Theme Park Map

Look the Five Wonders Theme Park poster.

Build your own Theme Park using blocks, Lego, small toys and other objects.

Draw a map of your park on a large piece of paper.

Look at the numbers on the map. I wonder what you could name some of the rides and attractions?

Draw a pathway on your map through the theme park choosing where to start and finish.

Describe the pathway to someone else and give them directions to move a small toy through your map.

Click play to listen to the task.

Task 4 Thursday Wk 5.m4a

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • Build a maze with Lego, blocks or straws.

  • Move a small toy through the maze and describe the pathway.

  • Draw your maze on a piece of paper.

Brain Break(er)

This week's brain breaks are designed to help us understand more about climate change and what small things we can do to look after our environment.

Week 5 - ES1, S1 and S2, Term 4 Brain Breaks