Week 5

Stage 4

These learning activities are designed to be completed in sequence beginning on Monday

Daily Prayer

Religious Education

Learning Intention

We are learning to make meaning of Church teachings in light of Scripture, the application to our lives and the mission of the Church.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • can explain key messages of Pope Francis' Fratelli Tutti

  • draw connections between church teachings and scripture

Aligned to Sharing Our Story outcomes

C4.6 explains links between Christian life, fidelity to Church teaching, conscience, and inspiring people of faith

C4.7 explains ways in which prayer and spirituality are faith response central to the life and mission of the church

You will need



Google Doc



Lead Pencil



Open the Lesson Work document for today where you will:

  1. Watch the video resource

  2. Reflect and make connections to the video resource

  3. Read Scripture and Commentary

  4. Answer some questions

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

Activity too easy?

  • If you found this interesting, you can spend sometime looking into how the Bible is structured, the different parts and how they build to tell our Christian story.


Learning Intention

We are learning to apply our knowledge of visual techniques to an advertisement.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • list several examples of advertisements I viewed recently.

  • recall definitions of a variety of visual techniques and explain their meanings.

  • apply my knowledge of visual techniques to a text.

Aligned to English outcomes

EN4-1A Responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation and critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure

You will need


Google Doc





All work for today is on the slides, to the right.

  1. Brainstorm of advertisements from the last 24 hours.

  2. Review of visual techniques using definitions and examples.

  3. Label the visual techniques on the advertisement.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • If you are not sure about visual techniques, you could use the https://bubbl.us/ site to mind map any of the techniques you have learned and arrange them so it makes sense to you.

Activity too easy?

  • If you found this interesting, have a go at recalling and defining as many language and rhetorical techniques you have also learned this year. Can you give examples from advertisements where these techniques have been successful?

S4 English - Term 4, Week 5: Task 1


Learning Intention

Determine the size of fractions and order the fractions.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • order fractions of different sizes.

  • use different methods to order fractions.

  • explain my reasons in determining the order of fractions.

Aligned to Mathematics outcomes


Operates with fractions, decimals and percentages.

You will need



Lead Pencil


Main Task

5 students all completed a different exam. Not one of the students received the same raw score and not one of the exams were marked out of the same final mark.

Tom had the best mark when all of the marks were calculated and ranked. He received a mark of 97 out of 100. Janice received the lowest mark out of the five people and she got 2/10 for her exam.

List the possible scores in ascending order for all five students.

Consolidating Task

Mr Smith had to order his class by scores from first to last. The problem was that he had given them a range of tests and did not know how to make them all worth the same amount. Use any strategy you can to make these test scores all out of the same final mark.

40/100 60/100 6/10 2/5 4/5 60/200

8/10 15/20 42/50 16/25

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  1. List the following fractions in order from lowest to highest.

1/2 3/4 9/10 2/5

  1. List the following fractions in ascending order and write an equivalent fraction for each.

4/7 6/9 6/10 5/2

  1. The lowest score in an exam was 3 out of 10 and the highest was 9 out of 10. What could have been three scores between these two scores? Express your answers in three different ways (eg. Out of 10, out of 20 and out of 50)

Activity too easy?

1. Two new students came into the class. Trevor completed a test and he ranked 2nd overall and Tracey completed her exam and ranked third last. What might their scores have been?

2. Tom’s score in the exam was three-quarters of Eve’s score. Eve was disappointed that she did not beat her previous mark of 93% and that 2 students beat her in the exam. The teacher was happy because, of the 6 students who did the exam, the lowest mark was two thirds of the second placed student. What could the 6 scores for the exam look like?

Brain Break(er)

This week's brain break tasks have been designed in response to the upcoming 'Un Climate Change Conference' to be held in Glasgow. You will be challenged to take small steps to measure the impact we, collectively, have on our environment.

Week 5 - S3-5 - Term 4 Brain Breaks