Week 5

Stage 4

These learning activities are designed to be completed in sequence beginning on Monday

Daily Prayer

Religious Education

Learning Intention

We are learning to make meaning of Church teachings in light of Scripture, the application to our lives and the mission of the Church.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • can identify global issues

  • can examine the causes that lead to poverty

  • can interpret and reframe Pope Francis' words

Aligned to Sharing Our Story outcomes

C4.6 explains links between Christian life, fidelity to Church teaching, conscience, and inspiring people of faith

C4.7 explains ways in which prayer and spirituality are faith response central to the life and mission of the church

You will need



Google Doc



Lead Pencil



Open the Lesson Work document for today where you will:

  1. Research to create a list of global issues

  2. Deep dive into the global issue of Poverty

  3. Reflect on the words of Pope Francis

  4. Write a Papal Proclamation

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • If you are not sure about the ways of researching global issues select a local issue in your community.

Activity too easy?

  • If you find this interesting and want to know more spend sometime researching the main points of Evangelii Gaudium.


Learning Intention

We are learning to draw conclusions based on evidence and expand our knowledge of the concept of representation.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • cite supporting evidence to explain my thinking.

  • deconstruct two advertisements to explain connections and differences in representation.

Aligned to English outcomes

4EN-2A Effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies, and knowledge for responding for responding to and composing texts in different media and technologies

You will need


Google Doc




All work for today is on the slides, to the right.

  1. Review of what I used to think, and what I now think of the definition of representation.

  2. Exploring how ideas are represented in two ads about the same product.

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

  • If you are not sure about the concept ‘representation’, you could use the https://bubbl.us/ site to mindmap the varying facets of the term from the definitions provided, and arrange them so it makes sense to you.

Activity too easy?

  • If you found this interesting, complete the BBC Bitesize revision pages and the online quiz about the term representation.

S4 English - Term 4, Week 5: Task 2


Learning Intention

Determine perimeters of rectangles and other shapes

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when I:

  • find the perimeter of a figure.

  • explain my thinking when choosing values in the problems.

Aligned to Mathematics outcomes

MA3‑9MG Selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure lengths and distances, calculates perimeters, and converts between units of length.

MA4‑12MG Calculates the perimeters of plane shapes and the circumferences of circles.

You will need


Lead Pencil



Main Task

Nicolas wants to throw a party but needs a table with a perimeter between

240cm and 300cm. Give two possible tables that he could use.

Consolidating Task

Henrik walks around a rectangular playground with the dimensions of 90m by 65m. He starts to think about regular shaped playgrounds that would have the same perimeter as the rectangular playground. Find three of the playgrounds that Henrik starts to think about.

(Remember: a regular shape is any shape with the same length sides)

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too hard?

Questions to support my thinking

Activity too easy?

Brain Break(er)

This week's brain break tasks have been designed in response to the upcoming 'Un Climate Change Conference' to be held in Glasgow. You will be challenged to take small steps to measure the impact we, collectively, have on our environment.

Week 5 - S3-5 - Term 4 Brain Breaks